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Most Merciful God

Page 1/3 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 Verse Am7 Ballad   I G/B Fmaj7 Am7 G/B 1. Most (2. We) Fmaj7 mer have ci not ful loved God You Am7 V G/B we with con the fess full that ness we of have our sinned heart, C in nor our our thoughts neigh and bor words as and our Am7 C/E 8 deeds. selves. We've We Fmaj7 9 bro lack ken the Your good Law, ness Am7 G/B by to the feel things sor that row we as have we done should C and to the re things pent we've and left turn un to Am7 C/E 12 done. You. Have mer Fmaj7 title Most Merciful God My.Hymnary #725 - Most Merciful God ©2013 Unbudding Fig Music Page 2/3 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 cy. Am7 C G/B Have mer Fmaj7 cy. Am7 G 1 2. We Dm7 2 17 Have mer Dm7 cy. Am7 G/B Have mer Fmaj7 cy. Am7 G For the Dm7 sake of Your Son, have F Ref mer cy on us. For the C G sake of Your Son, have F mer cy on us. For the C G 26 sake of Your Son, have F mer cy on us. For the C G sake of Your Son, have F 1 mer cy on us. For the C G 2 30 mer cy on us. C G 31 F Interl C G F 1, 2, 3 C G 4 May we C G –  page 2  – My.Hymnary #725 - Most Merciful God ©2013 Unbudding Fig Music Page 3/3 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 36 joy in Your will, have F Final Ref's mer cy on us, may we C G 38 walk in your ways, have F May we love as You love, have mercy on usMay we weep as You weep, have mercy on usMay we serve as You serve, have mercy on usMay we speak as You speak, have mercy on usMay we go as You go, have mercy on usMay we care as You care, have mercy on us 1, 2, 3 mer cy on us. C G 4 40 mer cy on us, Make us C G one as You're one, have Dm7 C/E mer cy on us; Fath er, F G 43 Son, Ho ly Ghost, have Dm7 C/E mer cy on us. F G Am7 End G/B Fmaj7 Am7 G/B Fmaj7 Am7 rit. . . . . . . . G/B Fmaj7 –  page 3  – My.Hymnary #725 - Most Merciful God ©2013 Unbudding Fig Music
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