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The Apostles' Creed

Page 1/5 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 I Suf At be fered God's Verse lieve un right in der hand God Pon he the tious is C F/A Fa Pi seat ther, late, ed Gsus4 G Mak cru till er ci his C C/E of fied, com all for ing, heav'n me as and he he F Gsus4 G earth; died; said; C and laid fi in with nal F G Je in judg sus the ment Christ, grave will our so be C F/A Sav si met ior, lent, ed B title The Apostles' Creed My.Hymnary #692 - The Apostles' Creed Words: Apostles' Creed, ca 2nd cent, 6th cent; Versified Anon Music: Arr. Bruce Benedict, 2006; Mindy Deckard, 2000; © 2006 Cardiphonia Music Purchase a My.Hymnary subscription to become a licensed user of this song. Using this score for any public purpose without an active subscription is a copyright violation and undermines the creator's trust in making this score easy to preview. Page 2/5 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 God's gates to own of the E/G Son, hell liv of he ing match o and less pened the Am C/E worth; wide; dead; F Gsus4 by for I the the con C/E G/C Spir stone– fess it sealed the was tomb Ho con was ly F Gsus4 G ceived, emp Spir ty; it C of on who the the was C/E vir third sent gin day through Mar he Christ y a the F E/G born, rose; Son Am he in to in to ap Am/G whom heav ply I en sal have made va be his tion's F C/E lieved: en mer try, it G G/B C –  page 2  – My.Hymnary #692 - The Apostles' Creed Words: Apostles' Creed, ca 2nd cent, 6th cent; Versified Anon Music: Arr. Bruce Benedict, 2006; Mindy Deckard, 2000; © 2006 Cardiphonia Music Purchase a My.Hymnary subscription to become a licensed user of this song. Using this score for any public purpose without an active subscription is a copyright violation and undermines the creator's trust in making this score easy to preview. Page 3/5 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 God might God, Al y the C/E might con Spir y, quer it, or Three of Three in his in F Gsus4 G One. foes. One. C 17 C C/B 18 I be Refrain Asus4 A lieve the church of D G/B Je sus, Asus4 A u ni D D/F ver sal, e'er re G Asus4 A mains; D(2) –  page 3  – My.Hymnary #692 - The Apostles' Creed Words: Apostles' Creed, ca 2nd cent, 6th cent; Versified Anon Music: Arr. Bruce Benedict, 2006; Mindy Deckard, 2000; © 2006 Cardiphonia Music Purchase a My.Hymnary subscription to become a licensed user of this song. Using this score for any public purpose without an active subscription is a copyright violation and undermines the creator's trust in making this score easy to preview. Page 4/5 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 we are G(2) A one through all the D G/B a ges, C in com F /A mun ion of the Bm D/F saints. G Asus4 I be D/F A lieve sins are for G(2) Asus4 A giv en, D that our D/F bod ies will be G(2) F /A raised Bm –  page 4  – My.Hymnary #692 - The Apostles' Creed Words: Apostles' Creed, ca 2nd cent, 6th cent; Versified Anon Music: Arr. Bruce Benedict, 2006; Mindy Deckard, 2000; © 2006 Cardiphonia Music Purchase a My.Hymnary subscription to become a licensed user of this song. Using this score for any public purpose without an active subscription is a copyright violation and undermines the creator's trust in making this score easy to preview. Page 5/5 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 to e Bm/A ter nal life in G(2) D/F heav en: A A/C D ev er D/F let his name be G Asus A praised. Bm 42 G D/F A A/C D D/F G Asus4 A D –  page 5  – My.Hymnary #692 - The Apostles' Creed Words: Apostles' Creed, ca 2nd cent, 6th cent; Versified Anon Music: Arr. Bruce Benedict, 2006; Mindy Deckard, 2000; © 2006 Cardiphonia Music Purchase a My.Hymnary subscription to become a licensed user of this song. Using this score for any public purpose without an active subscription is a copyright violation and undermines the creator's trust in making this score easy to preview.
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