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Eternal Weight of Glory

Page 1/4 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 Verse C F C Am G 1. Now 2. Oh the e C days ter and nal hours weight and of C V1&2 6 mo glo ments ry of Oh our in F C su he ff'ring ri seem tance so di Am G long, vine, and we the will C toil see some our wait Lord and re C 10 won dee dering ming threat e en very F C si past lence and to fu our ture Am G song. time. Now All our our C pain pains is will real be and trans F 14 pre fi ssing gured where like our the C faith scars is of thin Christ and our F weak Lord. but we our will G hope see is the set weight on of C 18 Je glo sus ry and and we our F C cling bro to ken Him years our re Am G 1 strength. stored. C Oh e 2 stored. For be C title Eternal Weight of Glory My.Hymnary #794 - Eternal Weight of Glory Words and Music: Wendell Kimbrough. © Wendell Kimbrough. Remember to report your usage: CCLI number: 307874 Page 2/4 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 hold I tell a F Chorus 1 my stery: At the C trump et sound we'll F wake! Death is G C/E 27 swa llowed up in F 28 vic t'ry when we C meet our King of F C/E Dm7 C grace. E v'ry G C/E year we thought was F 32 was ted, ev ery C 33 night we cried how F E long, all will Am C be a pass ing F mo ment in our C E7 Am 37 Sa vior's vic t'ry C G –  page 2  – My.Hymnary #794 - Eternal Weight of Glory Words and Music: Wendell Kimbrough. © Wendell Kimbrough. Remember to report your usage: CCLI number: 307874 Page 3/4 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 38 song. C We will C see our woun ded C V3 Sa vior, we'll be F C hold Him face to Am G 43 face, and we'll C hear our an guished C sto ries sung as F C vic t'ry songs of Am G 47 grace. For be C hold I tell a F Chorus 2 my stery: At the C trump et sound we'll F wake! Death is G C/E 52 swa llowed up in F 53 vic t'ry when we C meet our King of F C/E Dm7 C grace. E v'ry G C/E year we thought was F –  page 3  – My.Hymnary #794 - Eternal Weight of Glory Words and Music: Wendell Kimbrough. © Wendell Kimbrough. Remember to report your usage: CCLI number: 307874 Page 4/4 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 57 was ted, ev ery C 58 night we cried how F E long, all will Am C be a pass ing F mo ment in our C E7 Am 62 Sa vior's vic t'ry C G 63 song. E v'ry C year we thought was F Tag was ted, ev ery C night we cried how F E 67 long, all will Am C be a pass ing F mo ment in our C E7 Am Fm6/A Sa vior's vic t'ry C/G G7 song. C –  page 4  – My.Hymnary #794 - Eternal Weight of Glory Words and Music: Wendell Kimbrough. © Wendell Kimbrough. Remember to report your usage: CCLI number: 307874
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