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Make A Way

Page 1/3 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 1. Come, 2. Come, 3. Come, Son prom Son of ised of God, since Man, and our to Verse F Verse make E show us den's the new; end; way; Dm Light Child O, of of thru the the the world, wom tears, our an, may we B 4 hearts come see re de the new. fend. day. F/C C 5 Hope Long So in have long our we did in felt we ner the in F dark ser dark ness pent's ness lies: sting: dwell: Dm Oh, Come, Come heal strike down ing his to sun head, break of and the B 8 jus mer chains tice cy of rise! bring! hell! F C 1 9 F 2, 3 O make a way! F o pen wide the gates. Dm Chorus 1 B O make a way! F title Make A Way My.Hymnary #791 - Make A Way Words and Music: Kate Bluett, Isaac Wardell, Paul Zach. © 2021 Integrity Worship Music/PG Songs and Hymns. Remember to report your usage: CCLI number: 307874 Page 2/3 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 13 thru the sor row and the pain. Dm B O make a way! F 15 tho the road is dark and Dm B 16 wind ing. O F C/E Dm come, come! B C F Intro Dm 20 B F C C D.C. al Coda 22 O make a way! F o pen wide the gates. Dm Chorus 2 B O make a way! F 25 thru the sor row and the pain. Dm B O make a way! F –  page 2  – My.Hymnary #791 - Make A Way Words and Music: Kate Bluett, Isaac Wardell, Paul Zach. © 2021 Integrity Worship Music/PG Songs and Hymns. Remember to report your usage: CCLI number: 307874 Page 3/3 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 27 tho the road is dark and Dm B 28 wind ing. O F C/E Dm come, come! B C F Dm 32 B F C C –  page 3  – My.Hymnary #791 - Make A Way Words and Music: Kate Bluett, Isaac Wardell, Paul Zach. © 2021 Integrity Worship Music/PG Songs and Hymns. Remember to report your usage: CCLI number: 307874
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