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Let Us Be Known By Our Love

Page 1/2 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 Verse G 1. Let 2. Let 3. Let us us us be be be known known known C(2) Verse by by by our our our love. joy. peace. G In In In ev ev ev 'ry 'ry 'ry 7 word, home, town, in in in ev ev ev 'ry 'ry 'ry C(2) D deed, heart, tribe, hon sing Je or to sus the the is Em7 Son. Lord. King. Dsus Let Let Let our our us light life go D shine show forth, C(2) 12 in good heal ev ness and 'ry and re eye. hope. store. G D/F Let Let Let us us us be be be Em7 known known known Am7 by by by our our our D love. joy. peace. G 18 For the glor ry G Chorus 1 of the C(2) Fa ther, G for the D/F glo ry Em7 24 of the C(2) Son, Dsus for the D glo ry G of the C(2) Spir G D/F it, let us be Em7 title Let Us Be Known By Our Love My.Hymnary #790 - Let Us Be Known By Our Love Words and Music: Micah Massey, Ryan Flanigan, Matt Armstrong, Nate Moore. © 2015 Bethel Worship Publishing; Mouth of the River Music; 10000 Fathers; Common Hymnal Digital; Common Hymnal Publishing; Ryan Flanigan Music; Curb Wordspring Music. Remember to report your usage: CCLI number: 307874 Page 2/2 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 31 known Am7 1, 2 by by our our Dsus love. joy. G 2. Let 3. Let us us be be 3 by our Dsus peace. G 37 For the glor ry G Chorus 2 of the C(2) Fa ther, G for the D/F glo ry Em7 of the C(2) Son, Dsus 45 for the D glo ry G of the C(2) Spir G D/F it, let us be Em7 known Am7 by our Dsus 52 love. G D/F let us be Em7 known Am7 Tag by our Dsus love. G –  page 2  – My.Hymnary #790 - Let Us Be Known By Our Love Words and Music: Micah Massey, Ryan Flanigan, Matt Armstrong, Nate Moore. © 2015 Bethel Worship Publishing; Mouth of the River Music; 10000 Fathers; Common Hymnal Digital; Common Hymnal Publishing; Ryan Flanigan Music; Curb Wordspring Music. Remember to report your usage: CCLI number: 307874
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