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For the Beauty of the Earth

Page 1/2 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 Verse Bm E7/B Bm E7/B Bm E7/B Bm E7/B 1. For 2. For 3. For the the the beau won joy ty der of Bm A E7/B of of hu the each man earth, hour, love, Gmaj7/B Bm For Of Bro the the ther, glor day sis y and ter, G A of of par the the ent, skies night child G A Bm 9 For Hill Friends the and on love vale earth which and and Bm E7/B from tree friends our and a birth, flower, bove Gmaj7/B Bm O Sun For ver and all and moon gen a and tle G A 12 round stars thoughts us of and lies light mild G A Bm Lord of all to D/F B G Thee we raise, A Bm This our hymn of Em D/F grate ful G A title For the Beauty of the Earth My.Hymnary #784 - For the Beauty of the Earth Words: Charles Wesley, 1740. Music: Conrad Kocher, 1838. Page 2/2 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 praise. Bm C E7/B Bm E7/B Bm E7/B Bm E7/B Bm –  page 2  – My.Hymnary #784 - For the Beauty of the Earth Words: Charles Wesley, 1740. Music: Conrad Kocher, 1838.
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