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Trinity Song

Page 1/3 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 Verse Bm7 D/A G(2) D Bm7 D/A G(2) D Ho ly Fath er, Bm7 1 D/A 6 Son, and Spir it. G(2) D 7 Ho ly Com mu nion, Bm7 D/A Three in One. G(2) D Ho ly Fath er, Bm7 D/A Son, and Spir it. G(2) D 11 Ho ly Com mu nion, Bm7 D/A Three in One. G(2) D Bm7 D/A G(2) D Come with Your peace, with Your Bm7 2 D/A in vi ta tion. G(2) D Bind us to geth er in Bm7 D/A 18 Ho ly love. G(2) D 19 Come with Your peace, with Your Bm7 D/A in vi ta tion. G(2) D Bind us to geth er in Bm7 D/A title Trinity Song My.Hymnary #778 - Trinity Song Page 2/3 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 22 Ho ly love. G(2) D 23 Bm7 D/A G(2) D Ho ly Fath er, Bm7 3 D/A Son, and Spir it. G(2) D 27 Ho ly Com mu nion, Bm7 D/A 28 Three in One. G(2) D Ho ly Fath er, Bm7 D/A Son, and Spir it. G(2) D Ho ly Com mu nion, Bm7 D/A 32 Three in One. G(2) D 33 Bm7 D/A G(2) D Come with Your peace, with Your Bm7 4 D/A in vi ta tion. G(2) D 37 Bind us to geth er in Bm7 D/A Ho ly love. G(2) D Come with Your peace, with Your Bm7 D/A –  page 2  – My.Hymnary #778 - Trinity Song Page 3/3 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 40 in vi ta tion. G(2) D 41 Bind us to geth er in Bm7 D/A Ho ly love. G(2) D Bm7 D/A G(2) D Ho ly Fath er, Bm7 5 D/A 46 Son, and Spir it. G(2) D Bm7 D/A G(2) D Ho ly Fath er, Bm7 D/A Son, and Spir it. G(2) D 51 Bm7 D/A G(2) D Ho ly Fath er, Bm7 6 D/A Son, and Spir it. G(2) D Bm7 D/A D/A Three in One. G(2) 7 D Three in One. Bm7 D/A Three in One. G(2) D –  page 3  – My.Hymnary #778 - Trinity Song
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