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Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus

Page 1/1 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 3. Yes, 1. 'Tis 2. O 'tis so how sweet sweet sweet to to to Verse G GMaj7/B trust trust trust in in in Je Je Je sus, sus, sus, C C/G G just and just from to to sin take trust and him his G self at clean to his sing cease; word; blood; D A7/E D 5 just just and from to in Je rest sim sus up ple G GMaj7/B sim on faith ply his to ta pro plunge king mise, me C C/G G life and neath and to the rest, know, heal and "Thus ing, G C joy saith clean and the sing peace. Lord." flood! G/D D G 9 Je sus, Je sus, Refrain G how I trust him! D7 Em G/D D How I've proved him G o'er and o'er! D/F A7/E D 13 Je sus Je sus, G G prec ious Je sus, C C/G G O for grace to G C Am/C trust him more! G/D D G title Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus My.Hymnary #756 - Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus Text: Louisa M. R. Stead, 1882 Tune: William J. Kirkpatrick, 1882
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