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Open Our Eyes

Page 1/3 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 Verse B Ballad   I Gm E B Gm E 1. When 2. Je 3. You're we sus, the 9 see show Word the your that ris self spoke en the cre B V1-3 Sa Au a vior, thor tion, with and you're the Per the Gm bread fect end that er of he of Mo has our ses' E blessed, faith, Law, he in you're be your the Gm 13 comes liv goal the ing of liv and Ab ing your ram's E Ser dy bles vant, ing, sing, heav'n con you're ly sum the Gm food ma King for tion whom ho of Da ly God's vid B rest. grace. saw; Stay From You're with cre the F 17 us a Day for tion the day to pro is the phets B fad ex longed ing, ile, for, feast in you're with car the Gm us, na cov O tion e se to nant cret the of E King, grave, grace, show res you're to ur the Gm 21 us rec he how tion ro Scrip to of ture's as the E sto cen Scrip ry sion; tures, speaks come, now of O we Gm you Je see in sus, you ev come face ery to to B thing. save. face. F Do not our title Open Our Eyes My.Hymnary #727 - Open Our Eyes ©2017 Unbudding Fig Music & Cardiphonia Remember to report your usage: CCLI number: 7006727 Page 2/3 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 hearts E PC burn B now? F For you're here E in Gm 1 pow'r. F 2. Je sus, 2, 3 pow'r F O pen our B /D 36 eyes, E shine on our sight; B /D O ris en Lord, E reign ing on high; F Give us your B /D 44 life, E bread from the skies; B /D Lift up our hearts, E o pen our 2X: to CODA 1 50 eyes. B TURN Gm E B Gm E 3. You're the D.S. al Coda 58 eyes. Gm INTERL E B F –  page 2  – My.Hymnary #727 - Open Our Eyes ©2017 Unbudding Fig Music & Cardiphonia Remember to report your usage: CCLI number: 7006727 Page 3/3 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 66 Gm E B F F 4. Je sus, 76 show your self the B Final V 's Pro phet, Je sus, Gm show your self the E 79 King, Je sus, Gm show your self the E Priest, all in Gm all, and ev ery B rit... thing. F –  page 3  – My.Hymnary #727 - Open Our Eyes ©2017 Unbudding Fig Music & Cardiphonia Remember to report your usage: CCLI number: 7006727
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