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Father, Only In Your Power

Page 1/2 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 Verse Em Ballad I C Em C 5 Em C Em C 1. Fa 2. Je 3. Spir 4. Fa ther, sus, it, ther, on on on Son, ly ly ly and in in in Ho Your Your Your ly Em7 V D/F pow weak pre Spir er, ness, sence, it, can can can our we we we an as Your true cient G cend king un curse to dom ion we Am7 G You. claim. find. own. Dsus4 D 13 Help Help Help Bro us, us, us, ken Fa Je Spir in ther, sus, it, the we we we blood are are are of Em7 D/F help reck rest A less less, less, dam, to in our the pay self soul's blood our de di of G right struc vi Christ eous tion's sions now Am7 G due: chains: bind: show. Lord, Lord, Lord, have have have Dsus4 D Fine 1 17 mer cy. Em7 C Em C title Father, Only In Your Power My.Hymnary #724 - Father, Only In Your Power ©2013 Unbudding Fig Music Page 2/2 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 2 21 mer cy. Em7 Christ, have G mer cy. C(2) G/B Lord, have Am7 mer cy. Em7 C Em C 29 mer cy. Em7 Christ, have G mer cy. C(2) G/B Lord, have Am7 mer cy. Em7 C 3 Lamb of God, Who C(2) Ref G takes a way the sins of the world: D Em7 Have mer cy on us. C G Dsus4 D 39 Lamb of God, C(2) G slain be fore the dawn of the world: D Em7 Have mer cy on us. C G 1 Dsus4 D 3 Dsus4 D D.S. al Fine –  page 2  – My.Hymnary #724 - Father, Only In Your Power ©2013 Unbudding Fig Music
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