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O Love That Will Not Let Me Go

Page 1/1 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 O O O O Verse Love Light Joy Cross that that that that will foll seek lift not ow'st est est B F let all me up me my through my go, way, pain, head, I I I I E B B/A 4 rest yield can dare my my not not wear flick' close ask y ring my to G m F /A B soul torch heart fly in to to from thee; thee; thee; thee; I My I I E F 6 give heart trace lay thee re the in back stores rain dust the its bow life's B F li bor through glo fe I rowed the ry owe, ray, rain, dead, That That And And E B B/A 8 in in feel from thine thy the the o sun prom ground cean shine's ise there G m F /A B depths blaze is bloss its its not oms flow day vain, red May May That Life E F 10 ri brigh morn that cher, ter, shall shall full fair tear end less less er er C m G m be. be. be. be. F F /E F /D F title O Love That Will Not Let Me Go  My.Hymnary #706 - O Love That Will Not Let Me Go © 1997 Christopher Miner Music Used by permission. All rights reserved. Remember to report your usage: CCLI number: 3251580
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Warning: This transposition has five sharps in the key signature, making it difficult to play.

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