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Heal Us Emmanuel - Indelible Grace

Page 1/2 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 Heal us Em Verse E Chorus: C (no3) E Esus E man nuel here we stand Asus A/G Bm/A B/A A 3 wait ing to feel thy E C (no3) touch B C (no3) EVII 5 To deep woun ded E Esus E sons reach forth Thy hand, Asus A 7 Oh Sa vior we are C m such B 9 1.Our 2.Re 3.She, 4.Like faith mem too, her, is ber who with fee him touched hopes ble who you and A we once in fears con ap the we fess, plied press come B title Heal Us Emmanuel - Indelible Grace My.Hymnary #703 - Heal Us Emmanuel - Indelible Grace © 1999 Kevin Twit Music Used by permission. All rights reserved. Remember to report your usage: CCLI number: 3112454 Page 2/2 Engraved by Verovio 4.1.0-c482e35 11 we With And To faint tremb heal touch ly ling ing You trust for vir if Thy re tue we C m word, lief; stole, may; B 13 But “Lord, Was O will I an send You be swered, us pi lieve,” “Daugh not ty with ter, des A A/G us tears go pair the he in ing less, cried; peace; home; D/F Bm Bm/A 15 Be “O Thy Send that help faith none far my has un from un made healed You, be thee a G Lord lief!” whole.” way. A B/A A –  page 2  – My.Hymnary #703 - Heal Us Emmanuel - Indelible Grace © 1999 Kevin Twit Music Used by permission. All rights reserved. Remember to report your usage: CCLI number: 3112454
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Warning: This transposition has four sharps in the key signature, making it difficult to play.

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